The Invisibles


King Mob, Ragged Robin, Jack Frost, Lord Fanny and Mr. 6

Marshal Law II


Sleepman and The Private Eye

Marshal Law I


Marshal Law, Kiloton, Public Spirit, and Virago



Batgirl, Robin, Batman from Thrillkiller



Dirk Anger, Monica Rambeau, The Captain, Elsa Bloodstone, Aaron Stack, Tabitha Smith

Secret War


Captain America, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Wolverine, Spider-Man from Secret War

The Misfits


Danzig, Jerry Only, Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein, Dr. Chud, Michale Graves

JSA: Liberty Files


The Bat, Superman, Mr. Terrific, Tornado

Jack Staff


Jack Staff, Tom-Tom the Robot Man, Srgt. States, Kapitan Krieg

The Devil’s Rejects


Baby, Captain Spaulding, Otis